UDC Publications 1996

UDC Editions

Clasificación Decimal Universal.
Tomo 1: Tablas sistemdticas.
Tomo 2: Indice alfabético.
Madrid. Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación, 1995. ISBN 84 8143 019-6

Classification Décimale Universelle. Edition moyenne internationale (2e édition)
Volume 1: Tables auxiliaires. Classes (0-5), 1990 ISBN 2 87130 024 0
Volume 2: Classes (6-9). Index, 1993 ISBN 2 87130 037 2
Volume 3: Tables auxiliaires actualisées. Mise à jour des classes 0 à 9. Index commun (Vol. 1, 2, 3), 1995. ISBN 2 87130 048-8.
Liège, Éditions du C.L.P.C.F.

Classification Décimale Universelle. Edition abrégée (5e édition). ISBN 2-87130-044~5
Liège, Éditions du C. E. F. A. L. 9 1994

Danskforkortet UDK.. Grupperne 53 Fysik, 54 Kemi, 66 Kemiteknik, 678 Plast/Gummi (med alfabetisk register)
Lyngby, Dansk Central for Dokumentation - DCD & Den Danske UDK-komité, 1992.

Danskforkortet UDK: Gruppeme 629 Trafikmidler, 656 Trafikorganisation (med alfabetisk register)
Lyngby, Dansk Central for Dokumentation - DCD & Den Danske UDK-komité, 1995.

Egyetemes Tizedes Osztályozás. Teljes kiadás 2 Vallas.
Budapest, Magyar Szabványüghyi Hivatal, 1992.

Mezinárodní Desetinné Trídení Zkrácené Vydání.
Dil 1. Pomocné Tbulky Trídy 0153 ISBN 80 900034 6 X.
Dil 2. Trídy 54/4 ISBN 80-900051-4-4.
Praha, Artifex, 1994/1995.

UDC. Tabellen 15e dr. ISBN 90 65 00098 4
Houten, Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum bv, 1993. Suppl. 14, 15, 16.

UDC Japanese Medium Edition (3rd ed.).
Tokyo, Maruzen Co. 1994, 2-3- 1 0 Nihonbashi, Chuoh-lcu, Tokyo 103, + 81 3 3272 721 1.

Universal Decimal Classification. Intemational Medium Edition. English text, Edition 2 [BS 1000M: 19931
Part 1. Systematic tables, 1993, ISBN 0 580 22553 4.
Part 2. Alphabetical subject index, 1993 ISBN 0 580 22554 2.
Supplement No. 1, 1995, ISBN 0 580 24618 3.
Supplement No. 2, 1996, ISBN 0 580 26454 8.
London, BSI Standards, London.

Universal Decimal Classification. For use in polar libraries (4th edition, revised 1994)
Edited by William Mills. Cambridge, Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, 1994.

Univerzalna Decimalna Klasifikacija Abecedni Register, ISBN 961-6112-00-7
Ljubljana, Centralna tehniska Knijiznica, 1994

Uniwersalna Klasifikacja Dziestetna. Wydanie skrócone
tom 1 Tablice, 1993, ISBN 83 901650 0 7
tom 2 Indeks Przedmiotowy, 1994, ISBN83-901650-0-7
Warszawa, Instytut Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej.

UDC-related publications

Adewole, S. The treatment of animal husbandry in the Universal Decimal Classification: a short communication, Library focus, 10 (1-2) 1992-3, 35-37.

Barite, M. Refomulacion de tablas notacionales, Montivideo, El Galeon, 1990.

Benito, M. El sistema de clasificacion decimal universal: manual de aprendizaje, Boras, Taranco, 1996.

Carbonell, F. Estudio comparative de la distribucion cuantitative de las materias en diversas obras de referenda (Comparative study of the quantitative distribution of subjects in various reference works). Boletin de la asociacion andaluza de bibliotecarios, 11 (40) 1995, 31-44.

Casabon, A.I.S.; Marco, J.G. La investigacion sobre analisis de contenido y los lenguajes documentales en las publicaciones periodicas espanolas de informacion y documentacion (1982-1994) (Research on content analysis and documentary languages in Spanish library and information science journals (1982-1994)), Revista espanola de documentacion cientifica, 18 (2) 1995, 155-171.

Cousin, N. (ed.) Guide pratique des classifications musicales à l'usage des bibliothèques, Paris, AIBM, 1995. (discusses UDC on pp. 15-24).

Dahlberg, I. 100 years of UDC, Knowledge organisation. 22 (2) 19955 63.

Francu, V. Building a multilingual thesaurus based on UDC, Knowledge organization and change: Proceedings of the 4th International ISKO Conference, Washington, 15-18 July, 1996; ed. by R. Green, (Advances in knowledge organisation - 5), Frankfurt/Main, Indeks Verlag, 1996, 144-154.

Gasparicova, A. Aplikacia zahranicnych skusenosti v praxi slovenskych a ceskych kniznic (Application of foreign experience to the practical running of Slovak and Czech libraries), Kniznice a infonwcie, 27 (12) 19955 486-487.

Gowthan, M.S.; Kamat, S.K. An expert system as a tool to classification, Library science with a slant to documentation and information studies, 32 (2) 1995, 57-63.

Kaupinnen, M.; Turunen, T. Mita tehda UDK-luokitukselle: VTLS-sisallonlcuvailuseminaari (What one can do to UDC: a seminar on VTLS on 13 December 1994), Signum, 28 (3) 1995, 53-54.

Keeping BUBL afloat, Library manager, 9 1995, 22-23.

Kirsel, A-M. Üldmäärajate kasutamisest Eesti teadusraamatukogudes. The use of [UDC] general auxiliaries in Estonian research libraries. (Orig. in Estonian with English summary). Eesti Akadeemilise Raamatukogu Aastaraamat, 1996, 97-105.

Kofnovec, L. Mezindrodni desetinné trídení. Soucasny stav a perspektivy rozvoje (Universal Decimal Classification. Actual situation and perspectives of future development). Ctenár, Vol. 47. 1995, No. 10, 358-360.

McIlwaine, I.C. Africa in the UDC, African research and documentation, 65 1994, 10-3 1.

Mcllwaine, I.C. Centenar CZU: situatia actuala si proiecte pentru viitor (UDC centenary: present state and future prospects), Catalogare, clasificare, indexare: traduceri de texte de specialitate, Bucharest, Biblioteca Centrala Universitara, 1996. Vol. 2, 1-10.

Mcllwaine, I.C. Guide d'utilisation de la CDU (Guide to the use of the UDC); tr. par M. Humblet. Liège, C.E.F.A.L.,1995.

Mcllwaine, I.C. New wine in old bottles: problems of maintaining classification schemes, Knowledge organization and change: Proceedings of the 4th International ISKO Conference. Washington. 15-18 July 1996; ed. by R. Green, (Advances in knowledge organisation - 5), Frankfurt/Main, Indeks Verlag, 1996, 122-136.

Mcllwaine, I.C. Preparing traditional classifications for the future: Universal Decimal Classification, Cataloging and classification quarterly, 21 (2) 19955 49-58.

Manuel, R.S.S. Breve resena historica de la CDU en Espana (Short historical survey of UDC in Spain), Investigacion bibliotecologica: archivonomia, bibliotecologia e infomacion, 8 (16) 19943 4-16.

Philips, R. Hyperlib: a hypertext interface to a library information system, Library technology news, 17 1995, 4-6.

Piggott, M. Review of ‘McIlwaine, I.C. Guide to the use of the UDC; an introductory guide to use and application of the Universal Decimal Classification’, Indexer, 19 (4) 19955 16-17.

Santoro, M.; Spinelli, S. Non solo numeri (Not only numbers), Biblioteche oggi, 13 (4) 1995, 24-27.

Turunen, T. Uusi ulottuvuus UDK-luokitukseen: HELKA-tytot heimovierailulla (A new dimension for UDC classification: HELKA-girls on a family visit), Signum, 28 (1) 19955 17-18.

Williamson, N.J. Deriving a thesaurus from a restructured UDC, Knowledge organization and change: Proceedings of the 4th International ISKO Conference, Washington, 15-18 July, 1996; ed. by R. Green, (Advances in knowledge organisation - 5), Frankflirt/Main, Indeks Verlag, 1996, 370-377.