UDC Publications 2002

UDC Editions

The Estonian UDC: UDK. Universaalne Detsimaalklassifikatsioon. Liigitustabelid. [Toim kolleegium: Marje Aasmets (toim.), Arda-Maria Kirsel (peatoim.), Malle Lang, Sirje Nilbe, Aili Normak, Maara Üksti]. Tallinn: Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeerium, 1999.V, 1084 p. Publication No. UDC-PO21 authorized by the UDC Consortium under Licence number UDC-9703.

UDC Japanese version with Retrieval System. CD-ROM. [UDC - standard edition, bilingual English - Japanese edition]. Tokyo: INFOSTA, 2002.

UDC-related publications

Aasmets, M. Trükiste liigitamise metoodika. Methods of classification of books. [Guide for students, Chapter 4. Use of the UDC]. Tallinn : TPÜ Kirjastus, 1999.

Achiri, M. Tezaur bazat pe CZU pentru Clasa 2 Religie. [A UDC-based Thesaurus for Class 2 Religion]. Biblioteca, XII (8-9) 2001, pp. 248-251.

Adcock, L. Building a virtual music library : towards a convergence of classification within Internet-based catalogues. Knowledge Organization, 28 (2) 2001, pp. 66-74.

Alexa, I.P. Indicii noi de limba si aplicatiile lor în alcatuirea indicilor Clasei 8. [New Auxiliaries of Language and their Applications in Building the Notations for Class 8) Biblioteca, XII (8-9) 2001, pp. 252-253.

Antoshkova, O.A.; Lobova, L.V. UDK i budushchee.[UDC and the future]. Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya, Series 1 (4) 2001. pp. 35-37.

Arellano, F.F.M.; Garrido, O.A.Y . Classification systems used in Latin American Libraries. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 30 (1) 2000, pp. 123-35.

Banki, Z. Matriksz - Magyar Atfogo Targyi Informaciokereso-nyelvi Szotar. Uj fejezet a tartalmi visszakeresesben. MATRIKSZ [Broad Hungarian Information Retrieval Language Dictionary. A new chapter in subject retrieval]. Könyvtari-Figyelo, 47 (4) 2001, pp. 672-8.

Classement, mises en espace, departmentalisations: voyage dans quelques bibliothèques. [Classification, arrangement, departmentalisation: a tour round some libraries] Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France, 46 (1) 2001, pp. 78-9.

De-Cours, I. Choosing a classification scheme for the Inha library in Paris. Art-Libraries-Journal, 27 (1) 2002, pp.23-6.

Fejos L. Az ETO-korszerusítés hírei. Könyv, könyvtar, könyvtaros, 10 6 (2001), pp. 23-24.

Földi T. Búcsú a FID-tol. Tudomanyos is müszaki tajikoztatas, 48 4 (2001), pp. 160-162.

Frâncu, V. Extensions and Corrections to the UDC, No. 23 . Informatii ABIR, VI (3-4) 2002, pp. 7-8.

Frâncu, V. Language-Independent Structures and Multilingual Information Access. Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21st Century. Integration of Knowledge Across Boundaries : proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference, 10-13 July 2002, Granada, Spain. Edited by María J. López-Huertas with the assist. of Francisco J. Muñoz-Fernández. Würtzburg: ERGON Verlag, 2002. pp. 404-411.

Herrero-Solana, V.; Moya-Anegón, F. De. Graphical table of contents (GTOC) for library collections: the application of UDC codes for the subject maps. Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21st Century. Integration of Knowledge Across Boundaries : proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference, 10-13 July 2002, Granada, Spain. Edited by María J. López-Huertas with the assist. of Francisco J. Muñoz-Fernández. Würtzburg: ERGON Verlag, 2002. pp.437-442.

Kirsel, A-M. UDK - lõpuks ometi ilmunud. The UDC Estonian version published at last. Eesti Raamatukoguhoidjate Ühingu Aastaraamat, 11 1999, pp. 25-27. With English summary

Lador, P.Y. Une experience de mise en 'stabulation libre' d'une partie des collections. [Results of placing part of the collections in 'free stabling']. Bulletin-des-Bibliothèques-de-France. 46 (1) 2001, pp.54-6.

Lepisto, K. UDK-sanahaku toteutuu kirjastoluettelosta. [UDC word search can be carried out in a library catalogue.]. Signum, 34 (2) 2001, pp. 40.

Levie, F. The man who wanted to classify the world: a documentary film. [Video]. Original script written by Françoise Levie and Benoit Peeters. Brussels : Sofidoc, 2002. [available in English, French and Dutch]. MORAGAS, M. Reunion de fonds specialises a la bibliotheque Gabriel Ferrate (Catalogne) [Merging special collections in the Gabriel Ferrante Library (Catalonia)]. Bulletin-des-Bibliotheques-de-France, 46 (1) 2001, pp.79-82.

Pintér L.. A Foiskolai és Kari Könyvtárigazgatók Szövetsége és az ETO. Könyvtári levelezõ/lap. 13, 4(2001), 4-6.

Popescu, L. 57/59 - Scheme de clasificare si tezaure în continua schimbare (I). 57/59 Classification Schemes and Thesauri going through Changes (I) Biblioteca, XII (11) 2001, p. 345.

Popescu, L. 57/59 - Scheme de clasificare si tezaure în continua schimbare (II). [57/59 Classification Schemes and Thesauri going through Changes (II)] . Biblioteca, XIII (1) 2002, pp. 19-20.

Rozman, D. UDK na pragu novega tisocletja. [UDC at the beginning of the new millennium]. Solska knjiznica,11 (1) 2001, pp.2-7.

Rozman, D. Novosti u univerzalnoj decimalnoj klasifikaciji. [News on Universal Decimal Classification). Vesti, Biblioteka Matice srpske, 11 (39) 2002, pp. 16-17.

Ternák, D.. Az Amicus, a Dobis és az ETO. OSZK Híradó, 44 3/4 (2001), pp.14-16. TOTH, E. Innovative solutions in automatic classification: a brief summary. Libri, 52 (1) 2002, pp. 48-53.

UDK leksikon [electronic resource available on the Internet]. Editor Karl Petric. - El. besedilni podatki. Celje: Celjsko literarno drustvo, 2002. http://www.beepworld3.de/members29/udkleksikon (18.6.2002)

Williamson, N.J. Knowledge integration and classification schemes. Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Organization for the 21st Century. Integration of Knowledge Across Boundaries : proceedings of the Seventh International ISKO Conference, 10-13 July 2002, Granada, Spain. Edited by María J. López-Huertas with the assist. of Francisco J. Muñoz-Fernández. Würtzburg: ERGON Verlag, 2002. pp.332-337.

Woldering, B. Klassifikationen UDC und UDK. Workshop in Frankfurt. Bibliotheksdienst, 35 (3) 2000, pp. 318-320.

Zaitseva, E. Universal'naja desjaticnaja klassifikacija primenitel'no k kniznomu delu: razbotki i relt Universal Decimal Classification for book business: elaboration and results of practical implementation. Ninth International Conference "Crimea 2002": Libraries and Associations in the Transient World: new technologies and new forms of cooperation: The Year 2002 Topic: Electronic Resources and the Social Role of Libraries in the Future. Moscow: Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, 2002. pp. 367-369.